Women's Day 2019

On April 6, 2019, women from Deer Run Church, Aylmer EMMC and Blenheim EMMC gathered to celebrate each other and learn about leaving a legacy. The women worshiped through singing, heard from speaker Christina Unger, and presentations of honour were given to special women who've left and are leaving a legacy in the lives of those around them. In keeping with the theme, the offering was collected for the boys and girls of Bolivia, to receive an education; in this way the women can leave a legacy for these children.  In the afternoon, Annie Froese shared her life story and women of all ages presented in panel discussion about mentoring. This was a day of rejuvenation and honour for all women and an encouragement to everyone to be actively invested in mentorship and creating their own legacy, 

because all of us can teach and be taught. 

Main Session Videos


Women's Day Photo Album